WE welcome and offer every support to those interested in playing a more active role within the C3A.
Our Group Leaders give of their time voluntarily and also enjoy taking part in other groups. Some will have the necessary expertise or qualifications to teach a group; while others will simply be passionate about a hobby or pursuing a lifelong interest, exploring it more fully to share it with other like-minded people, thus creating a social atmosphere to ‘Learning throughout Life’.
Sometimes the leading and administration are shared between 2 people. The leader will prepare the content for the group and the administration assistant will liaise with the participants and also reply to enquiries coming from the website.
Volunteering an idea for a new group or a social event that you would like to see added to the Social Calendar is also appreciated.
With our monthly ‘Social Events’ just starting to get off the ground, there are sure to be opportunities to offer your help in other ways.
If you feel you would like to help and want more information, please get in touch.